In the Past Three Years
The Witnesses Died

This article was published by Le Monde-Opera Mundi in 1966 in Paris, France which Primera Plana in Buenos Aires, Argentina reprinted by permission.

It is this publisher's understanding that Primera Plana is no longer publishing.

This is the third anniversary of the killing of John F. Kennedy. His anniversary in three weeks gives us the opportunity to think something is not right. It's more difficult to repair the problem. Six months ago five very well written books by a few writers reveal the many holes and weakness of the official investigation. Next January [1967] the magazine Look will pay $600,000 to publish the study by William Manchester. The entire country is waiting because Manchester and his 26 helpers tell the story (the only story to this day) with the help of the Kennedy family and the cooperation of the security system and 1,000 people, double the amount who were interviewed by the Warren Commission. In the last month at least one poll for the Louis Harris organization gave light:

...they crossed through the trees to the parking place and the railroad tracks to try to find where the bullets were coming from...

*5 per cent or less of citizens in December 1963 believed that Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President Kennedy.

*54 per cent believed that the Warren Commission is incomplete with many questions and details that need to be made clear.

*By a margin of 3 to 2 the person who was asked doesn't believe the basic conclusion of the Warren Commission. The commission said he was killed by only one person, but these people believe he was killed by many people who were part of a conspiracy.

A few days before, The New York Times with all the other press, really believed that the Warren Commission was telling the truth but they changed their minds-they started to be in favor of a parliamentary commission who think they can reopen the case. The crime, wrote the Times, is a deal of concern to everybody. None of us will discover the truth. It's not everybody's angry, everybody wants to find the real truth.

Thomas Buchanan, one American mathematician was one of the first people who wanted to find the truth. In March 1964 the Express published something (no magazine or newspaper in the U.S.A. tried to publish the conclusions over what happened between the 22nd and 24th of November in Dallas, the mathematician tried to write an essay, Who demolished the old story: Who Killed Kennedy? Also Buchanan was the first person to disagree with the Warren Commission. In both cases Buchanan was labeled Communist or crazy.

Buchanan said again in two stories which Le Monde printed in France a new chapter of surprises in patient investigation. Primera Plana magazine of Argentina will reproduce in exclusivity what he said in Le Monde.

[Editor's note: It is my understanding that both Primera Plana and Le Monde Opera-Mundi have ceased publishing after performing extensive searches for both of them so as to obtain permission to reprint this article in True Democracy (La verdad sobre la democracia en Español)].

'I saw a man running on the side of the right tracks going to the passenger cars after the shooting. He was wearing a white shirt and he had something in his hands.'

Already three years have passed since John Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald, and the police officer J. D. Tippit were killed in Dallas. The American government believed it was a triple crime not related to any plot and nobody was the beneficiary for the crime. Only one person said he was killing John Kennedy, Jack Ruby who killed Oswald. Ruby was put in death row for the Dallas killing. He is still alive. He needs to be confronted in another case against him in a different city in Texas. In contrary, the witnesses have died who can testify to put together the killing of Oswald with the killing of John Kennedy. They said 14 witnesses have already died. The last one on August 6th last year. One of them was killed like Oswald in a police precinct. Another was killed in prison in Dallas. At the same time he was under surveillance in the same prison, by the same police who were taking care of Oswald and today protects Ruby, three men disappeared who had access before everybody to the house of Ruby, after Oswald went down were over there talking with George Senator who was the friend who lived in the same apartment. Two of the three men were reporters. The third was a lawyer.

The first person to die was Bill Hunter, who was in charge of the Long Beach Press Telegram writing a history of the Kennedy killing. Six months later after the 24th of November 1963 the date he was interviewed with Senator, the same date he was deposed at the Warren Commission, Hunter was reading in the news room of the police precinct of Long Beach. One building was the police security building. Two police officers entered the room; one of them shot the reporter in the heart.

In the investigation the police officer said it was not his fault because his gun was falling down from his hand and the gun went off by itself. But, the trajectory of the bullet was not corresponding with the claim of the police officer. The police officer was asked why the bullet which was shot toward the floor penetrated Hunter's body up to down. Then, the police officer changed his story; he said the truth. He said that he was playing with another police officer who was taking the gun from the holster and shooting it faster like a contest. This was a problem, he forgot to put the lock on the gun and in this way he found Hunter and not the other police officer who he needed to shoot in the game. The other police officer said he was turning his back. The jury was satisfied with the tale and said the Hunter kill was accidental. Five months later, the news reporter lost his life. He was the same reporter who was with Hunter in the Ruby apartment. Jim Koethe from the Times Herald of Dallas finished his bath when somebody attacked him. The attacker was an expert in Karate. The police said this. He was killed with a stroke in the throat. Until today, they have not found the attacker. The third person who talked with Senator and the lawyer, Tom Howard died of a heart attack in Dallas in May of 1965. The 3rd of June a very little newspaper of the region, the Midlotian Mirror, wrote "Howard behaved strangely with his friends two days before he had the heart attack." He was taken to the hospital by a friend but nobody did an autopsy.


A Strange Forgetfulness


Five people opened the apartment door of Senator who lived with Ruby to go in. Only two are still alive. One of them said he was there outside of the room when the reporter took notes for Senator. For this reason the only person who lived after talking to Senator was Jim Martin who the Warren Commission never called to testify.

Strange forgetfulness, because the name Martin was very important at the time of the Commission when the Commission started to ask questions. The first lawyer called Senator to get legal help, the call is very important, very special. The call was made before they knew Ruby killed Oswald. In the testimony in front of the Warren Commission, Senator told the story. On the 24th of November of 1963 somebody went into Eatwell restaurant to drink a cup of coffee like he does every Sunday morning. While he was in the restaurant somebody told him Oswald was killed. He said the waitress told him the same thing. He asked why the waitress knew the news. Senator said maybe a phone call came or she was listening to the radio. The question was did you know there was a radio in the restaurant? Senator said I know there was not a radio in the restaurant. After that he called Martin, the lawyer. He wanted to tell him the news, but Martin's daughter answered the phone and said "my parents are at church." Her father was coming back in a half hour. He said, "Maybe I will call again."

Ruby's roommate never told why he did that. He didn't know the name of the person who killed Oswald.

The Warren Commission never questioned these details. In a simple way, the Warren Commission rejected the hypothesis of the Ruby criminal plans because they said that nobody knew anything.

Senator said, "A few minutes later the same waitress heard somebody scream. Jack Ruby killed Oswald and he came to tell me. The Warren Commission questioned Senator. How long did it take between the time when she said the first statement and when the person screamed? They said Senator said, "About five minutes." The Warren Commission asked, "After you called Martin?" Senator said, "Yes, after."

Senator said, "After I listened to the news, I went out to find Martin. He knew after the phone call he was in the church. After this he said to the Warren Commission that the lawyer knew the details of the crime. He said to me, "I saw this on TV.

He visited the police precinct. When Ruby killed Oswald Senator went back to meet Martin in a bar across the street from the court; the time was between 6 PM and 7 PM Senator said to the Warren Commission. Ruby's friend said Martin said, "Why don't you sleep in my house?" He said, "I accepted because I was scared to go back to my home because I didn't have any other place to go." The question is scared of what?

Senator said, "I was scared, that is all."

The Commission said, "You were scared that somebody would try to mess with you?"

He said, "Yes, it can be true." The truth is I was living afraid for the last ten days; I was scared to sleep two times in the same place."

Even though he was scared, Senator went back on Sunday the 24th to his apartment where he met Martin and was meeting too with two news reporters. And, the lawyer Howard plus a fifth person told the Commission he was not in the meeting. The Commission didn't get to Senator to talk about the meeting.

The Commission asked the question, "Who else did you meet on Sunday, the 24th?"

Senator said, "I don't remember exactly. If I met Tom Howard, I don't remember that matter."

The Commission asked, "What was that matter?" Penn Jones who knew a reporter in Texas who had won the national prize of hero in 1963 said, "After what happened to the person who was in the meeting it's possible to think. It was a very important meeting. They said the meeting in the house on Sunday night was a very important reunion (Ruby and Senator's house).

They said six people at least were in the reunion and three of them died in very strange ways. There is a reason to ask if Senator didn't tell something very important that night.

Jones questioned Martin over the matter and the lawyer answered, "You start again and again to find a conspiracy but you never find anything about conspiracy. And, John asked if Martin knew what the phrase means that there was not any conspiracy and the lawyer said "in this place no."


Something About Strip Tease


A very important person disappeared two months before the start of the process against Ruby. He was implicated in a second petty thievery, but was connected with the Kennedy killing. He tried but he couldn't kill a witness who had the proof that the police officer Tippit was not killed by Oswald. The name of the witness is Warren Reynolds. Reynolds was present in the Tippit murder and he followed the murderer about one block. Two months after in front of an F.B.I. Detective Reynolds said, "That man did not look like Oswald." After two days Reynolds was shot with a bullet in the head. The police officer said right away "Darrel Wayne Garner because Garner admitted in front of your brother-in-law that was true. He tried to kill Reynolds. When the police arrested him he made something up. All strip tease dancers and a former employee of Ruby, Nancy Jane Mooney, can swear that the two people were in an "intimate conversation" at the moment when Reynolds was wounded. Miss Mooney said Garner was accurate and he was released.

Eight days later Nancy Jane Mooney was arrested for misconduct. She was fighting with a roommate lady friend. For a minor crime the police put her in jail. Two hours later she was found hanged in the cell. "Suicide" the police said. In that time Reynolds had recuperated and left the hospital. And, afraid to be shot again he bought an attack dog. Around his house he put up many lights and he never went outside at night. In July 1964 when the F.B.I. went back to ask questions, he said Oswald was the man who saw who killed Tippit.

Another strip dancer who had been Ruby's friend for 15 years was working in the Dallas cabaret in November 1964 was taken to the court to say something in favor of her employer. Every proof of a meeting between Ruby and Oswald before the Kennedy killing was assumed to be about the Ruby participation. Ten people at least said in front of the Commission they saw the two men together. The investigation asked them until they believed that maybe they were wrong, but the possibility of association between Oswald and Ruby said the Warren Report taken through John Carter, tenant of the building located at 1026 North Beckley Avenue where Howard was a tenant too, was clear. Now Carter was a good friend of Wanda Joyce Killam. She knew Ruby very quickly after he moved to Dallas in 1947. On the contrary, of all the tenants at 1026 Carter said Oswald talked with him very often. At that time Carter was working with Wanda's husband (they were painters) and he would often visit with them. But the Warren Commission didn't ask anything of him. Carter sent a letter and what he confirmed to the Commission was that he never heard anything about Ruby. "Before Oswald was killed he never knew about Oswald speaking about Ruby's cabaret The Carousel. Wanda Killam said to the F.B.I. that she didn't remember to tell the name of her employer in front of Carter.

The investigators, even though they knew they looked like it, don't believe it. After time of the killing, the police wanted to know more, and asked questions of the dancer's husband. The reality was so many subpoenas were issued that Henry Thomas Killam lost his job in Dallas. He turned into the prime suspect. In the beginning of the Ruby process, he left the city; two days after the killing of Oswald, he was sentenced to death, Killam called his wife from Pensacola, Florida, to tell her he had a new job. Twenty four hours after, March 17th they found him dead in the street with his throat cut. The police thought Killam's throat was cut after he fell down against a store window.

Another Ruby employee was super depressed. One week after Ruby's trial started, one man dressed in a jail uniform went in the room when the witnesses were waiting to tell what they knew to the court; one of them was Little Lynn. Her reaction was immediate:

"My God, they were coming to find me!" She screamed. And she fainted. The prisoner tried to distract the people in the room to allow someone to escape but the attitude of the lady Lynn was more truthful in what she said to the court.

On November 22,1963, William Whaley, a taxi driver, drove Oswald from a street near to the book depository (building when the bullet was shot, what they told the Warren Commission) to a place near where Tippit lost his life. Whaley, like every American taxi driver, took a diary report in his car. In his report he wrote Oswald didn't have the time to do the two crimes which everybody thought (Kennedy, Tippit); but after he received a police visit, Whaley declared that he could have mistaken something in his notes. After that he died in a car accident on December 18th, 1965.

Another case of the official report was not satisfactory, the famous reporter Dorothy Kilgallen, got a special privilege during the Ruby process. The Judge Joe Brown, a Texas magistrate was described as having a fantasy in his mind, lent his desk to Mrs. Kilgallen to have a face to face interview with Ruby. No police officer was present during the interview. Later, after Earl Warren, the President of the Supreme Court of the U.S.A. and chief of the Warren Commission who investigated the killing questioned Ruby in his prisoner's cell in Dallas, Dorothy Kilgallen published everything that Ruby told her.

In the exclusive report she pointed out three times that Ruby said to the president of the Court he was afraid to tell the truth over his role that he played in Oswald's death; he said only if Warren moved him to Washington but Warren said he didn't have the right to move Ruby to Washington. Ruby said, to the police and the other person of the Court who was on Warren's side to leave the room, but was denied.

Ruby, at last said to Warren that an important person in Dallas was building a plot to kill him. Warren said that Ruby was not in his right mind.

In November 1965, fifteen months after Dorothy Kilgallen published her story on the meeting she was found dead in her home. The first conclusion said she was taking excessive doses of sleeping pills but the coroner said it was not true. The investigation was diluted without any affirmative results; the authorities believe she was not killed. They don't have any proof over the killing of the fourteen victims who died from last August 6th, 1966:

Lee Bowers. Bowers was driving his car near Dallas and he crashed the car into a wall. The press didn't know the case, but Bowers was the most important witness they think.

On November 22, 1963 Bowers, who was a train employee was on top of an observation tower close to 500 feet from the bridge where the President's motorcade passed. They said a little hill blocked his vision, at the moment of the assassination' because of that he only saw what happened behind the hill, but he was the only person who was there. Bowers, who wrote what he saw in a notebook later after the crime, gave the information to the police.

In the tower where he was all morning of the 22nd, Bowers needed to watch the railroad tracks and switch gears, could see and control clearly the area between the train rise and Elm Street, where the Kennedy motorcade drove. A little farther away was a parking space reserved for the police who was working near a building and behind that parking space, a few trees covered a semi-circular wall between the tower and Elm Street.

Between the wall and the street the soil sloped. Bowers, could only see what happened by the wall, there were no other witnesses. Many police walked to this wall-they told the Warren Commission-in the few seconds after the shooting; they crossed the little arbor building to the right side of Kennedy's car, they crossed through the trees to the parking place and the railroad tracks to try to find where the bullets were coming from but they thought they were coming from the section between the railroad tracks and the arbor.

This spontaneous movement was confirmed in the official orders through the police radio in Dallas. This transmission was captured for the F.B.I. and sent to the Warren Commission' "The police radio said that every unit of the police which was around the train station ran to the railroad located to the north of Elm Street (volumes added to the files book 17, page 362). The book depository was never mentioned as the place from which the bullet came.

Neither person referred to him a response given after ten minutes for the second chief of the Dallas police, Charles Bachelor, who was asked, "Where did it occur?" "Between the triple bridge and Stemmons' (volume 21, page 392). Stemmons is a utility road which goes around to the railroad tracks and comes back to the place where Bowers was. What the police said proved the initial search was in that place, not the Texas book depository. One of the police officers, James Watson, said to the Warren Commission "every police officer was running through the railroad tracks to the north from Elm Street. Follow this, the police officer in charge told Mr. Decker (Sheriff of the country of Dallas) that every police officer who was not given any specific duty, ran to the place where they thought the shots came from (Volume Xl, page 522). Bowers was between them and said after five minutes there were fifty to one hundred police officers on that side."

But Bowers saw an incident which surprised him which happened before the killing of President Kennedy. The site was parking for the police. He said that the access to the parking near the book depository was closed for a police officer two and a half hours before the Kennedy motorcade arrived. But twenty minutes before the motorcade passed three cars were allowed to enter; Bowers declared one of the three cars was not carrying a Texas license plate. He wondered why would a car from another state have the right and the police haven't. The car was driven around the parking and was abandoned. After this he saw a second car with Texas plates whose driver "seemed to have a microphone or a telephone earphone or something like that. ..near his mouth; he used the mike with one hand and was driving with the other." Bowers remembered that car like the other car left the parking "after going around to the parking three or four minutes." Following that car, "seven to eight minutes after," a third car came whose plates were from the same state as the first car's plates. Bowers remembered that that car was in the parking lot when the bullets started to fly. Only one man was driving the car but two other people were near him hiding between the trees which separated the circular wall. One of them was wearing a dark suit; the other one a white shirt. The investigators asked Bowers if he was looking for some abnormality near the car when the bullets started to be shot. "Something happened," he answered. "Something was not right and I looked through but I couldn't identify what happened.' He said "I was thinking that there was something agitated and after that one police officer came on a motorcycle driving through the trees when I saw the two men." "Where were the men?" He, "if my memory doesn't trick me, was one of the men who was there in the trees but I don't remember the other one. The man who was wearing the black suit was difficult to see between the trees. The other was wearing a white shirt, yes. I think he was there."

J.C. Price, who was on the roof of a nearby house said to the Commission: "I saw a man running on the side of the right tracks going to the passenger cars after the shooting. He was wearing a white shirt and he had something in his hands." (Volume 19, page 492) One police officer, Seymour Weitzman, said, "The moment I jumped the wall between the underground passes and the monuments I asked a person who was there did he see or hear anything. He answered me, he saw somebody throw something in the high weeds." Weitzman started to look for the mysterious object; but he didn't find the crime weapon. It's a strange coincidence, he found that later in the book depository. Who was the man with the white shirt and his two friends? Harold Norman, who with some friends was looking in the window on the fifth floor of the Texas book depository said to the Warren Commission "I saw the police officer and the plain clothes man. I believe they were looking for something in empty cars. I remember I saw a few of them over the roofs." (Volume IV, page 92) The three men escaped? No, because they were arrested. Elkins, the assistant sheriff said "one police officer of the city came to the central police department with three prisoners who he caught near the railroad. I put them in jail and the supervisor was Captain Fritz [chief of the criminal brigade] but Fritz released them after the official version stated that Oswald was the only killer of Kennedy."

This is what happened behind the wall. It is true what the witness said? Another railroad employee, S.M. Holland, who was on the bridge believed "there was one shot and after that one cloud of smoke six feet over the floor and down the trees maybe was the third or fourth shot but was a total of four shots. ...(He ran to the viaduct behind the retaining wall going through the arbor to see if somebody was behind the arbor....) I think somebody was there for a long time. I can count more than one hundred footprints." They happened in the parking lot? "Yes, in this place the police cars were parked."

Another witness said it was true about the cloud of smoke in the place where Bowers was watching. Two of the witnesses, Moorman and Nix, took pictures which were enlarged to show the clouds of smoke in the exact place mentioned by Holland. Jean Hill who was near Mary Moorman when the picture was shot saw a man behind the wall and she thinks he was the man who shot the gun. She said, "there were three shots, one after the other. After that there were moments of silence and following that three more shots she said. At least, four or five in total, maybe six." Mrs. Hill ran to cross the street to find who was shooting the gun but the police officer who had followed him already ordered her to go back (Volume VI, page 207).

Jean Hill told the police she saw the killer behind the wall; she tried to catch him but the police officers said the shot is coming from a window of the Book depository and said to her "shut up your mouth because you can be wrong." Mrs. Hill insisted "I said to that secret service I heard more than three shots, between four and six." The men answered, "We were in the window and we heard more than three but we have three wounded and three bullets. Everything we need, Miss was three shots."

Copyright Le Monde-Opera Mundi, 1966.


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