True Story


By Arlene Johnson

Richard Edward Dettrey, a Vietnam veteran suffers to this day from two PTSDs (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) because he has been betrayed at least twice by the US government. The first time was when he was told by the then president of the United States, Lyndon Baines Johnson that "we will never send American boys over to do what Vietnamese boys ought to be doing for their country."

Mr. Dettrey believed that statement. However, on the 29th of May 1965, he was on a ship for the 23 day ride over to Vietnam as a rear echelon main forces Army soldier to "serve" the purposes of the elite in yet another war that was instigated by the United States.

Mr. Dettrey has filed five claims to substantiate his first PTSD at two different times. Both times his claims have been denied. Here are  the five claims submitted on  VA FORM 21-95-1:

1. Date of Incident: (maximum 60 day time period: June 1965

Geographic location where the event took place (city, town, county, province, landmarks, or military installation:

Outside Saigon, South Vietnam

Unit you were in at the time of the event/incident and dates of assignment to unit(please include battalion, regiment, brigade, division, squadron, ship down to your squad level if possible:

41st Signal Battalion on board the troopship, U.S.S. Breckenridge, June 1965

Complete names of others involved, killed, wounded, in the event/incident (need at least a last name):

My fellow soldiers, George Canary was one of them

Description of Incident:

Seeing those flares going up over Saigon made me think to myself, "What am I getting into?" Little did I know! The sight of bright lights make me cringe with terror, even to this day, almost 37 years later!

2. Date of Incident (maximum 60 day time period): July, 1965

Geographic location where the event took place (city, town, country, province, landmarks, or military installation:

Nha Trang, South Vietnam

Unit you were in a the time of the event/incident and dates of assignment to unit (please include battalion, regiment, brigade, division, squadron, ship down to your squad level if possible):

41st Signal battalion May 1965 to January 29, 1966. Incident occurred in late June or early July 1965.

Complete names of others involved, killed, wounded, in the event/incident (need at least a last name): Danny Storey witnessed me breaking down[panic attack]. Sergeant ? Captain ?

Description of Incident: I can vividly remember this sergeant taking me to task for not reporting to guard duty. However, I didn't even know about it. Captain ? had me shipped back to Cam Ranh Bay as "punishment." I cried like a baby to Danny Storey?, later at the FM club; I'll NEVER forget it either!

Every time I hear a helicopter going overhead, hear gunfire, see an Oriental person, or am ordered by anyone to do something (especially one who is incompetent), I vividly recollect this incident. The flashbacks always present themselves and bring back those very traumatic memories! Always. The smell of oriental food cooking doesn't help either!

3. Date of Incident (maximum 60 day time period): August 1965

Geographic location where the event took place (city, town, country, province, landmarks, or military installation:

Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam

Unit you were in at the time of the event/incident and dates of assignment to unit (please include battalion, regiment, brigade, division, squadron, ship down to your squad level if possible):

41st Signal battalion  brigade ? August 1965

Complete names of others involved, killed, wounded, in the event/incident (need at least a last name):

Jerry Ballard, KIA or wounded

Description of Incident: Can't remember details but KNOW it happened. I wish it happened to me! The sounds of gunfire, vividly make me remember what happened to him over there. I wish I could forget! The smell of oriental food brings this incident back even more, and it is a constant thing every time I get a whiff of it!

4. Date of Incident (maximum 60 day time period): September 1965

Unit you were in at the time of the event/incident and dates of assignment to unit (please include battalion, regiment, brigade, division, squadron, ship down to your squad level if possible):

41st Signal battalion  May, 1965 to January 29, 1966. Incident: July 1965?

Complete names of others involved, killed, wounded, in the event/incident (need at least a last name): Puppy dogs, Jodie and ?, that I had as pets.

Description of incident: Two puppy dogs (Jodie and ?) were stolen from me and probably used as food by the Vietnamese. I am an animal admirer, unfortunately, and it, too, was very traumatic though not life threatening.

The sound of helicopters or gunfire bring this particular memory back. I GREATLY admire and trust (key word) our animal friends! I betrayed them!

5. Date of Incident (maximum 60 day time period): December 1965

Geographic location where the event took place (city, town, country, province, landmarks, or military installation:

Cam Ranh Bay, South Vietnam-a WAR zone!

Unit you were in at the time of the event/incident and dates of assignment to unit (please include battalion, regiment, brigade, division, squadron, ship down to your squad level if possible:

41st Signal battalion December 1965 or January 1966

Complete names of others involved, killed, wounded, in the event/incident (need at least a last name): Richard Jackson? and everyone else who was on duty with me at the time.

Description of Incident: The daily stress of walking around a war zone, without any ammunition, FINALLY caught up with me and I experienced a very weird feeling, I assume it was from the helplessness I had plus the daily depravation that I experienced, both in Vietnam and on the 23 day troopship ride that took me there. Richard Jackson? told me to report to sick call the next day, but I was so close to getting out of the army and Vietnam, I, foolishly didn't accept his advice, much to my chagrin!

The whole ball of wax [experience] - the sight of orientals, gunfire, bright lights, and impoverished living conditions, and the sound of helicopters all bring back these traumatic and life threatening memories even to this very day?! The odor of Oriental food constantly reminds me of these traumatic days.

The Second PTSD

The second PTSD occurred six years later on the 15 of February 1972 because of the surgery that the neurosurgeons determined Richard Dettrey should have at the Seattle veterans administration hospital (VA) because an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) burst deep within one of the frontal lobes of his brain. This also caused him to suffer a stroke at age 30. The trainee neurosurgeons botched the surgery leaving Mr. Dettrey traumatically brain injured. The AVM was recrudesced by Vietnam. However, no doctor has ever acknowledged that any mistake was made so the claim for this very traumatic experience was denied despite the fact that he suffered from grand mal seizures for over six years until his research finally found the proper medication to halt them.

Richard Dettrey lost his business, occupation, his family, his dog, his cat, his home, his avocations, and his self confidence all because of the greed of those who only think of money.

Richard Dettrey has some quotes to share with everyone. From Chance and Circumstances: The Draft, The War and the Vietnam Generation by Lawrence M. Baskir and William A. Strausson page 13, "Vietnam wrought havoc on millions of lives in a manner that most Americans may never understand."

From The Trauma of War edited by Stephen Sonnenberg on page 34, "For those of us fortunate enough not to have been engulfed by the experience of war, the fantasy that a nation can put a war behind it is a fallacy from which we need liberation."

From Trauma and its Wake by Charles R. Figley, "Most Americans have been spared exposure to severe and repeated or protracted traumatic events. Thus the curse of post-trauma symptom development, which includes a 'freezing of affect' and in delay in symptom onset, is difficult to appreciate among the general public."

And lastly, from The Brain: The Last Frontier by Richard M. Restak, M.D. on page 4, "A seizure's equivalent is the lightning of a thunderstorm." And this quote also on page 4, "Even a slight electrical malfunction in the brain can make a normal life almost impossible."

Denial of Claims

The Department of Veterans Affairs, Varo Seattle, 915 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA 98174 made the following decision. They were so inept that they typed the incorrect name on the second page of their decision leading him to wonder if they denied his claim or someone else's claim:

Richard E. Dettrey
VA File Number
24 706 366

Represented by:
Rating Decision
April 12, 2002

Richard Dettrey is a Vietnam Era and Peacetime veteran. He served in the Army from February 3, 1964 to January 29, 1966.

1. The claim for service connection for residual seizure disorder & cognitive deficit, s/p surgical repair arteriovenous malformation, (1151) [1151/1] remains denied because the evidence submitted is not new and material.

2. The claim for service connection for PTSD remains denied because the evidence submitted is not new and material.

Richard E. Dettrey
Page 2

* letter from the VA to Mr. Perry requesting new and material evidence to reopen his claim dated August 9, 2001,
* letter from Mr. Perry requesting the reopening of his claim received on August 27, 2001,
* letter from the VA informing Mr. Perry what is needed to reopen a claim that has been denied and become final dated February 1, 2001,

1. Service connection for residual seizure disorder & cognitive deficit, s/p surgical repair arteriovenous malformation, (1151) [1151/1].

Mr. Perry requested his claim be reopened on August 27, 2001. This claim was denied on October 30, 1995, and Mr. Perry had one year to appeal and did not, so the decision was final. Mr. Perry was informed in a VA letter dated February 1, 2002, that to reopen a claim which was denied and had become final he had submit new and material evidence. Mr. [name erroneously omitted] submitted no evidence at all.

New and material evidence means evidence not previously submitted and which bears directly and substantially upon the claim. This evidence cannot be cumulative or redundant, and by itself (or in connection with other previously submitted evidence) be significant enough to warrant reconsideration of a claim.

Mr. Perry did not submit any evidence, new  or material, to support his claim.

2. Service connection for PTSD.

Mr. Perry requested his claim be reopened on August 27, 2001. This claim was denied on August 12, 1992, and Mr. Perry had one year to appeal and did not, so the decision was final. Mr. Perry was informed in a VA letter dated February 1, 2002, that to reopen a claim which was denied and had become final he had [to] submit new and material evidence. Mr. [name erroneously omitted] submitted no evidence at all.

New and material evidence means evidence not previously submitted and which bears directly and substantially upon the claim. This evidence cannot be cumulative or redundant, and by itself (or in connection with other previously submitted evidence) be significant enough to warrant reconsideration of a claim.

Mr. Perry did not submit any evidence, new or material, to support his claim. END

Just to demonstrate how despicable the US government is to its veterans, here is a communication to his wife that Mr. Dettrey sent when they were apart:
My love,
It is very apparent to your now-brain injured and epileptic husband that this "great" government has used me for its own selfish benefit as a prostitute, at that. I have gone through various supposedly caring veterans organizations to attempt to get my benefits. However, I've been running into nothing but dead ends. Since, I KNOW that the "great" VA enables its employees to help us veterans out of what is due to us, I feel, and correctly, I hope, that that gentleman on Long Island knows what and whose strings to pull to be treated FAIRLY. I was willing to DIE in an obscene war (a CRIMINAL war, at that) for the sake of those back here who really didn't care or weren't told the truth about what was happening over there in the hot and humid tropics of Vietnam.

I've been hoping to receive some letters from other individuals who were draftees, like myself, confirming that I did, indeed, suffer some "weird" feelings while forced to be there. However, since I totally detested the army, I, foolishly, didn't report my "difficulties" to sick call. However, I really don't think that would have made any difference, especially since the VA makes it "extremely" difficult to get one's benefits.

The people to whom I wrote, with no success as of this writing, have failed to respond. In fact , the lady at the Paralyzed Veterans of America said it would take 6 months before I would hear anything! I just hope that those Vietnam veterans are still alive! But, as I said, I have given up hope of ever being treated properly as one of the veterans who made this country #1. Talk about ingratitude!

No one likes to be "treated" like a throw away. No one! Those ding-a-lings [elites] who hold the purse strings should be held accountable by the veterans, especially for all of the mental anguish that has befallen on us. Had I been treated fairly after my botched brain surgery, a  "reward" for yet another botched invasion, Vietnam, I wouldn't even have been considering these "radical" steps, i.e. if one considers it radical to ask what your country can do for you. I didn't ask that then, but did what my country "asked" me to do. I can say this with all sincerity---I'd flat-out go to Canada or refuse to become a "trained killer," now, if those clowns in the military  "asked" me to serve. When I was stuck in the army, I used to liken the "experience" to a work release program for that's what it was! I played their silly games for the time that I spent on-duty (about 12 hours) and the rest of the time doing things that I'd like to be doing, even though I was, severely restricted by the insane army rules and the lack of funds, almost as bad as I'm experiencing, now. I was Uncle Sam's slave, doing his dirty work and somehow, I did it honorably! Don't ask me how for I don't know! I didn't get an honorable separation for being dishonorable!

It shouldn't even have to be asked for, i.e. to be treated like a human being should be treated! However, for some inexplicable reason, it has to be "asked" for, i.e. to be treated like a human being should be treated! However, for some inexplicable reason, it has to be "asked" for. This now-brain injured person can't figure that out. To hell with this country and to hell with the army. I, foolishly, thought that I was done with it. How wrong I was! "Proud to serve!" Yeah. [yes] Right. It has PROVEN to be the bane of my short life.

I LOVE you, deeply.

Your grateful husband, Richard
A once-proud man without a country

True Story
A Mortal Without a Country

by Richard E. Dettrey

  The beginning of the end transpired for this writer on the day he was forced to serve this once loved country in the army of the United States. It was 3 February 1964 -- a day that will be indelibly etched forever in the recesses of my once-trusted mind. The date of 3 February 1966 was the end of my prison term. This writer lived exclusively for that day. If you'll recall, it was also during the lengthy war in Vietnam in which the U.S. had NO business being involved. The total deceit and outright lies perpetrated by the U.S. toward the uninformed public and the citizens of this once-great  country can't be believed, but it actually happened. Thus, my happy life ended, only to be replaced by a very enigmatic individual, an individual that this writer didn't like and whose erratic actions were contrary to the very high moral standards learned as a youth.

  The reasons that we had no business being there were directly because Ho Chi Minh was actually our ally during WWII, foolishly trusted us, and the U.S. stabbed him in the back because of his trust, and our totally ignoring his desperate pleas for the moral support he needed in 1946.

  A little history. In 1919, Ho Chi Minh attempted to persuade President Wilson to honor the theme of his 14 points which promulgated freedom for ALL people. He was ignored. In essence, the egalitarian principles of a true democracy were to be offered to ALL who sought it. It was mere bovine scatology, offered to the esoteric and NOT to all. Thus, Vietnam's "troubles" could have been totally avoided IF the U.S. had honored its word. Again,  in 1946, Ho Chi Minh attempted to enlist the aid of the U.S. among others, for their moral, not financial, support. Once again, he was ignored. The many caveats or warnings and opportunities adduced or presented to the educated clowns (Presidents) from Truman to Nixon to avoid that heinous war, an extension of WWII, makes one regret that he's a U.S. citizen.

  The army and the totally preventable Vietnam War destroyed my deeply moral and ethical standards, and in their stead, left a very immoral person. In not honoring its word to Ho Chi Minh and the rest of the world, it caused endless "problems," problems that remain with me to this day, and will continually haunt me in this ephemeral journey on God's earth.

  The parallels between Ho Chi Minh's many pleas for support that never were granted and my pleas for support that NEVER came are so patently displayed, that it's a crying shame. My pleas (unnecessary, like the Vietnam War) occurred in the prime of my life , at age 30, AFTER my very own roofing business was firmly established. My plea was virtually the same as Ho's. Again the U.S. showed its true colors [plan] by ignoring a plea from one of its own citizens this time, however. An AVM burst in my brain, a stroke about which I was NEVER told  for 12 years occurred, brain surgery took place nine (9) days AFTER the AVM burst which was as needless as the Vietnam War, and grand mal seizures began. Just as the mighty U.S. destroyed a country in order to save it, the VA hospital  and the trainee neurosurgeons performed the fait accompli on my halcyon and fecund life and destroyed it in order to save it.

  Both "events" were completely unnecessary. The resultant seizures weren't supposed to be a problem, the drugging of this individual, valiantly attempting to control the seizures, and the many insane actions performed by this once insouciant individual seeking to be treated as a human being have NO empirical basis to follow. This life puts the lives of Our Lord and Job to shame in every respect. At least, they had a legitimate reason for their lives. Now, I have 0, zip, none. He who has a reason to live for can bear almost any how.

  This journey on God's earth, which used to be very enjoyable, has turned into a very surreal event, a nightmare that has NO parallel, just like the army and Vietnam "experiences." There's an aphorism that actions speak louder than words. Ho Chi Minh had to resort to action because his words and ignored pleas carried no meaning. Will I have to do the same? Rhetorical. This one very enjoyable life is replete with so many tragedies and losses, it's pathetic.

  My mother died of Alzheimer's because of a poor nutritional lifestyle. It could have been obviated. My brain surgery, very drastic, could have been avoided IF.... The Vietnam War could have been avoided IF the many opportunities presented to the U.S. would have been taken advantage of. They obviously weren't. Thus, this individual is a member of the Homosapiens without a country and no future of any kind because he trusted the perfidious words of this country-a country that totally lied to and betrayed one of its own.

  The truth always hurts. This country has totally betrayed me. My human and civil rights have been violated. My life has become a battleground, and I am losing the battle because of a lack of help that I should NOT even have to request. But, like Ho Chi Minh, the importunities are going unheeded. When will it end? Again, rhetorical. My DERFE (Date of Estimated Return From Earth) will take care of it. It is inevitable, but true. It is not specious like God's words and promises to His son in his evanescent journey on this earth.


TRUE DEMOCRACY Spring 2002 Copyright © 2002 by News Source, Inc.