The Journal of History     Spring 2005    TABLE OF CONTENTS

From the Mouths of the Belly of the Beast:
Quotes from Adolf Hitler with Analysis and Critique

Hitler further proves how the masses are to be prevented from being "scientifically trained" when on page 384, he proclaims that the sciences of physics, mathematics, and chemistry are "dangerous when the general education of a nation is more and more exclusively directed towards them."

Physical or hard sciences, coupled with accurate social sciences, of which history is a component, are mandatory if people are to be free.

While Hitler could not know that the understanding of physics would prove a crime of such massive proportions on November 22, 1963 took place, people who were definitely alive then, would have been able to have been propagandized completely were it not for physics instruction as well as mathematical instruction.

                    Fanatical Faith

If one did not know that this analysis was about Hitler's book, one could easily assume that this was about Islam's Jihad which propagandists liken to Holy War, but on page 415 Hitler made the following statement: "The individual soldier is not initiated in the thought processes of higher strategy either. He is, on the contrary, trained in rigid discipline and fanatical faith in the justice and power of his cause, and taught to stake his life for it without reservation...."

In other words, what Hitler is saying is that a person is brainwashed to the degree that he would gladly sacrifice his life for his government. But let us take this one step further; many people castigate Moslems for their actions when it was the government against the inhabitants of the land in which they desired to which resulted in the retaliation.

                    Intellectual Leadership

Hitler referred to himself on page 415 as "intellectual leadership when he stated "They never understood that the strength of a political party lies by no means in the greatest possible independent intellect of the individual members, but rather in the disciplined obedience with which its members follow the intellectual leadership. The decisive factor is the leader itself."

Hitler, of course, continues, but what pomposity this man displayed.

He didn't even attain a full education; instead his ended at age 15 (See page xvi) and failed the examination to enter the academy of art as well. His marks in history, mathematics, geography, and German were his worst subjects, and he was "forced to leave" (see footnote 1 on page 10) at age 14 because he refused "to apply himself to his subjects." (ibid).

The ultimate point in this analysis is to attempt to convince people that Hitler was placed in power by those who controlled him as his intelligence, not to mention his mental stability (see page xvi) was undoubtedly lacking.

                    German Reparations

At the end of January, 1921, grave cares arose once more for Germany. The Paris Agreement, according to which Germany obligated herself to pay the insane sum of a hundred billion gold marks, was to be realised in the form of the London dictate. (Footnote 1). See immediately below.

Footnote 1 "The Supreme Allied Council met in Paris from January 24 to 30, and elaborated a plan of reparations payments. Annual payments were to begin at two billion gold marks a year and gradually increase to six billions at the end of eleven years.

The London Conference on Reparations, held from April 29 to May 5 of the same year, sent an ultimatum to Germany demanding one billion gold marks on penalty of occupying the Ruhr. The Germans accepted the terms and paid the sum by borrowing in London."

                    More on Propaganda

Propaganda works on the general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes them ripe for the victory of this idea, while the organisation achieves victory by the persistent, organic, and militant union of those supporters who seem willing and able to carry on the fight for victory.

The victory of an idea will be possible the sooner, the more comprehensively propaganda has prepared people as a whole and the more exclusive, rigid, and firm the organisation which carries out the fight in practice.

From this it results that the number of supporters cannot be too large, but that the number of members can more readily be too large than too small.

If propaganda has imbued a whole people with an idea, the organisation can draw the consequences with a handful of men. Propaganda and organisation, in other words, supporters and members, thus stand in a certain mutual relation. The better the propaganda has worked, the smaller the organisation can be; and the larger the number of supporters, the more modest the number of members can be; and vice versa; the poorer the propaganda is, the larger the organisation must be, and the smaller the host of followers of a movement remains, the more extensive the number of its members must be, if it still hopes to count on any success at all.

The first task of propaganda is to win people for subsequent organisation; the first task of organisation is to win men for the continuation of propaganda. The second task of propaganda is the disruption of the existing state of affairs and the permeation of this state of affairs with the new doctrine, while the second task of organisation must be the struggle for power, thus to achieve the final success of the doctrine."

From page 534 Footnote 1 comes "The crisis of August, 1921, dated back to the rivalry between the NSDAP and the German Social Party (DSP) based in Hanover, for the leadership of the extreme nationalist movement in Germany. Not only Hitler, but also Anton Drexler and others in the Nazi leadership were determined to make their party into an authoritarian dictatorship. The DSP led by a certain Alfred Brunner had linked itself with the NSDAP, in theory at least, at the Salzburg meeting of August, 1920; but its leadership disliked both Hitler and the authoritarianism he personified, and made considerable efforts to secure his expulsion from the NSDAP. Their efforts coupled with those of Dr. Otto Dicker of the Munich branch of the NSDAP to set up a working committee on a national basis to unite all the nationalist splinter groups into a mass party with its headquarters in Berlin led Hitler to resign from the NSDAP on July 14, 1921, and to refuse in writing to return unless he was made party chairman 'with dictatorial powers.' With the aid of Dietrich Eckart, Hitler succeeded in routing the party leadership, and securing the position of chairman himself. Drexler became honorary president. Eckart took over the editorship of the Völkischer Beobachter, Max Amann became chief party organiser, and a certain Otto Klintszch, a former Reichswehr lieutenant, who had taken part in the Kapp putsch, was brought in with Reichswehr support to set up the SA."

Recall how the newspaper was purchased for RM 120,000. Now on page 537 Hitler stated "This became our first business office. But since the monthly rent was only fifty marks (then an exorbitant sum for us!) we could make no greater demands and were not even in a position to complain when before we moved in, the wall paneling, formerly intended for the imperial councillors, was quickly torn out, so that now the room really gave the impression of a funeral vault more than of an office.

And yet this was an immense step forward. Slowly we obtained electric light, even more slowly a telephone...."

This really makes one wonder where they obtained the money to buy the newspaper in December 1920 right before the beginning of the propaganda drive at the beginning of 1921. (See Footnote 1 on page 539)

                    Alliance between Germany and England

Here is more evidence that Hitler wanted an alliance with England. On page 559, Hitler stated "Since, however, our leaders wanted to know nothing of a systematic preparation for war, they renounced the acquisition of land in Europe and, by turning instead to a colonial and commercial policy, sacrificed the alliance with England which would otherwise have been possible, but did not, as would have been logical, seek the support of Russia, and finally, forsaken by all except the Habsburg hereditary will, stumbled into the World War."

Hitler's analysis demonstrates that he would have allied with the UK once more as previously illustrated earlier in this book.

Clearly Hitler acknowledges Britain's "world domination." (See page 561) which he places in italics as an idea he, himself, wished to emulate in conjunction with Britain instead of warring against it. See also page 564.

Moreover, again Hitler stated unequivocally on page 565 "If we look about us for European allies from this standpoint, there remain only two states: England and Italy.  Hitler says this phrase again on page 571 and in italics.

                    The Treaty of Versailles

On pages 576-7 Hitler expounds on the Treaty of Versailles with the following words: "When in the year 1919 the German people was [sic] burdened with the peace treaty, we should have been justified in hoping that precisely through this instrument of boundless repression the cry for German freedom would have been immensely promoted. Peace treaties whose demands are a scourge to nations not seldom strike the first roll of drums for the uprising to come.

What could have been done with this peace treaty of Versailles?!

This instrument of boundless extortion and abject humiliation might, in the hands of a willing government, have become an instrument for whipping up the national passions to fever heat. With a brilliant propagandist exploitation of these sadistic cruelties, the indifference of a people might have raised to indignation, and indignation to blazing fury!"

Hitler continues unabated with cries of returning to war but the foregoing is proof enough that the Illuminati, who established Hitler in power in Germany, were also responsible for the Treaty of Versailles by virtue of the fact that this most secretive of organizations had representatives in each European nation which sat at Versailles in 1919.


On the one hand, Hitler states that people who aren't  scientifically trained should be provided with propaganda (See page 163) While on page 590 Hitler states "If the National Socialist movement really wants to be consecrated by history with a great mission for our nation, it must be permeated by knowledge...." Who is he kidding? Decent people can't have any control over national politics if they are fed propaganda, and Hitler headed the propaganda machine.


If we are to believe anything of that which Hitler wrote, possibly it would be this on obtaining what Germany lost in World War I. He stated on page 596

"...we National Socialists must hold unflinchingly the German people the land and soil to which they are entitled on this earth." And this action is the only one which, before God and our German posterity, would make any sacrifice of blood seem justified...."

This doesn't appear to be expansionistic as some would have us believe, but simply what is the German peoples' right to possess for their sustenance. But what a trap Hitler led the German people into, World War II, the war to enable the creation of Israel once and for all.

With the Balfour Agreement signed in 1917, it was all set up. Now, all the European powers needed to do was keep the war raging long enough to be able to state that millions of Jews conveniently tucked into concentration camps were gassed to death at Hitler's hands was an atrocity of such enormous proportion that the remaining survivors ought to have their own land was exactly what Hitler strived for as it would rid Europe of its Jewish population as well as enable those who controlled him to establish the organization that purportedly would achieve peace, the United Nations, an organization that is as disengenuous as it can be.

Hitler stated on page 619 that France "tore up the Treaty of Versailles when it occupied the Ruhr."


Much of Adolf Hitler's writings in Mein Kampf are incoherent ramblings or propaganda. However, when he addressed international Jews and their banking interests, he was correct. Therefore, Mein Kampf is worthy of reading.

Hitler is a racist. His view on that issue is clear. There is no mistaking it, and not only from Mein Kampf, from the 1936 Berlin Olympics in which Hitler was visually angered when African American Jessie Owens won over Aryan competitors.

In terms of Hitler being put in charge of Germany? Could it be because he is Rothschild's grandson? I think so. Hitler failed at everything he tried. How did he gain his fame to be elected as leader? From experience, we know that American presidents have skyrocketed to fame. Jimmy Carter is but one example. Bill Clinton is another. Therefore, Hitler could easily have been too. Reading Mein Kampf tends to prove it.


The Journal of History -Spring 2005 Copyright © 2005 by News Source, Inc.