The Journal of History     Spring 2005    TABLE OF CONTENTS

From the Mouths of the Belly of the Beast:
Quotes from David Ben-Gurion

Page 714 demonstrates that Ben-Gurion knew that Winston Churchill was part of the plot to create the State of Israel by the following:

"As far back as the beginning of the century, Sir Winston Churchill supported the cause of Zionism. Thirteen years later he spoke on Mount Scopus of a free and sovereign state, one that would be unconquerable."

Here is an example of how the Illuminati don't care for the Jews. Rothschild is one of 13 Illuminati families.

Page 737 "A year ago the Minister of Finance spoke of redundant workers from which our economy suffers. This year he gave a figure of a hundred thousand redundant workers. The question is, what has the Government, and not only the Government, done? The problem cannot be solved only within a governmental framework. This Government, formerly known as Mapai, now the Allignment, has a majority in the Histadrut and in all the major labor councils. And the representatives of this party cannot claim that there is any foreign body preventing them from carrying out any policy they consider essential.  What was done a year ago and what is now being proposed to free ourselves from excess workers? The Government itself has redundant workers. There is duplication of functions between the Government and the Jewish Agency, between Amidar and the Jewish Agency, the Jewish Agency and the Immigrant Absorption Department. What has the Government done and what does it intend to do in this matter?"

Page 739 "It would be better to reduce the number of workers and give the rest more work to do. Efficiency will follow of itself. And what is true of the Government is equally true of the municipalities."

Page 744 "Another cause of rising unemployment is the growing mechanization and introduction of automated processes in industrial plants, which expands production while reducing the work force. The limited export possibilities for locally produced goods are also a leading factor in the unemployment situation."

Page 802 "'We appeal--in the very midst of the bloody onslaught launched against us now for months--to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions'."

Quote on page 806 in which Ben-Gurion admits that Israel received help to win the Six Day War: "Just as we must not forget the help we received from previous governments, we must not deprecate or disparage the assistance proffered to us during the Fifth Republic, which played no small part in our military victory in the Six-Day War."

Quote in speech given by David Ben-Gurion on the occasion of Israel's 20th anniversary of becoming a State: "Even then they [A. Dubnov and Shimon Dubnov] saw the need not only for agriculture and industry but for arms which would make it possible for the Jewish people to be master in its ancient land." Page 817

More from Ben-Gurion's speech: "The state of Israel and everything in it is the work of people who returned to Zion, immigrants who came to rebuild the wasteland. It was they who laid the foundations for the State, though one should not disregard the considerable moral, economic, and political assistance rendered by Jews in the Diaspora, among whom we might mention three: Edmond de Rothschild, who was justly Father of the Yishuv; Dr. Theodor Herzl, the father of the Zionist organization; and Dr. Chaim Weitzmann, the father of the Balfour Declaration." Page 818

Quote "The principal laws enacted during the first years of the State were the Defense Service Law, on September 8, 1949; the Law of the Return, July 5, 1950; the compulsory Education Law, September 12, 1949, supplemented on August 12, 1953, by the National Education Law; and the Equal Rights for Women Law of June 18, 1951."

If we look back at the 14th edition of this publication, we'll recall why education was institutionalized. The Zionists are no different; they like to indoctrinate their young too. Referring to the 10th edition of this publication, we take note that Israeli students are taught falsehoods about the Palestinian people. See, however, Good News in this edition.

On page 836 is proof that David Ben-Gurion knew that the Palestinian people are Semites:

"The two principal branches of the Semitic family, the Arabs and the Jews, understand one another, and I hope that after the exchange of opinion at the Peace Conference, which will be guided by the principle of national self-determination, each of the two peoples will successfully advance towards the fulfillment of its aspirations. The Arabs are not jealous of the Zionist Jews, and will treat them fairly. The Jews, in turn, have promised nationalist Arabs that they also will be treated fairly'."


The Journal of History -Spring 2005 Copyright © 2005 by News Source, Inc.