The Journal of History     Fall 2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS
The World's Concerns

Return President Slobodan Milosevic


Belgrade, October 13, 2002

Mr. Claude JORDA, President
The Hague
The Netherlands

Dear Mr. Jorda,

Please find here enclosed the statement of Mr. Bogoljub Bjelica, the Chairman of the Freedom Association.

After our several letters to ICTY and many appeals of organizations and individuals from Yugoslavia and other countries, aiming to secure the proper life and health conditions for President Slobodan Milosevic, we came to the conclusion that the whole construction of the process against President Milosevic has as one of its intentions to break the health and threaten the life of President Milosevic. In spite of the oral promises of Mr. Richard May and the Trial Chamber that recommendations of the ICTY appointed physicians that President Milosevic should get a cardiologic check-up, appropriate health monitoring, and therapy, as well as that intensity of the process should be slowed down, the only thing that happened is that the Trial Chamber has returned the whole-day-long proceedings.

That is why we demand release of President Milosevic and his return to Yugoslavia for recovery and appropriate specialists' medical treatment.

Yours sincerely,

Chairman of the Assembly
of the Freedom Association

Igor Raicevic


Belgrade, October 13, 2002


The Hague tribunal intentionally continues to threaten the life of President Slobodan Milosevic.

Despite the numerous appeals and warnings from our country and from abroad, this unacceptable criminal activity continues. The whole-day-long proceedings at The Hague are back to practice. In addition to the time spent in the court room, President Milosevic is forced to spend more hours in the tribunal building without food, rest, and fresh air. The process is still indefinitely prolonged with series of false witnesses, whose order has being changed last minute, but who are followed by tens of thousand pages of printed material.

With all the mentioned conditions, there is lack of not only proper therapy, but even of any medical monitoring over the health of President Milosevic. There was no cardiologic check-up, in spite of the recommendation of the Dutch physicians appointed by the tribunal, who made the one and only check-up of President Milosevic.

For that reason the total untruths in the statement of the tribunal spokesman Jim Landale for the Yugoslav press (daily "Nacional," October 11, 2002) ­ that President Milosevic has permanent medical monitoring and proper therapy, cause our increased worry.

Domestic and international public is aware that the permanent over-human efforts and inhuman conditions President Milosevic faces in the tribunal and in the prison, combined with hearth damages and malignant hypertension, are the permanent threat to his life.

The public is also aware that already several tribunal prisoners lost their lives after the dramatic worsening of their health in detention.

For all these reasons we demand that President Milosevic should be immediately returned to Yugoslavia for recovery and necessary medical treatment by an appropriate medical institution. It is the only way to remove the threat to his life!

Bogoljub Bjelica,
Chairman of the Freedom Association ­
Yugoslav Committee for the Defense of
Slobodan Milosevic

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan Milosevic)

Editor's note: There is a demand in the 4th  edition of this magazine to free President Slobodan Milosevic with a boycott to enforce it.



The Journal of History - Fall 2002 Copyright © 2002 by News Source, Inc.