The Journal of History     Winter 2008    TABLE OF CONTENTS

Leviathan's Birth Certificate (I): the "Treaty of Lisbon"

December 13, 2007

Another black day for democracy! Today EU's leaders will sign the 'Treaty of Lisbon.' It aims at reforming and regulating EU institutions, thereby carefully avoiding any say of actual Europeans in the matter.

In another incarnation, what was then more appropriately termed a Constitution, it was voted down in 2005 French and Dutch referenda, putting question marks behind the present legality of any expenditures and decisions being made, until such time that the treaty is actually ratified. But the EU being the EU it cannot be bothered with such legalities.

They resurrected the project, stuck another label on it, at the request of the Dutch removed state symbols of flag and anthem, put them back in on the insistence of Angela Merkel who cannot wait to abolish Germany, and presented the pile of paper as a victory of the people. Portuguese Foreign Minister Luis Amado said: "The citizens of Europe feel Europe should be stronger and this treaty will help bring that about."

You've got to have nerve!

A quote from the Contitution's draughtsman, former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing on 23rd November: "I have taken on the work of comparing (both) on the Œnine essential pointsı (...). To my surprise, and, to tell the truth, to my great satisfaction, these nine points reappear word for word in the new project. Not a comma has changed!

Today they proceed with a signing ceremony at Lisbon's Jeronimos Monastery, a symbol of Portugal's power in the 15th and 16th centuries. UK's PM Gordon Brown at least betrays a conscience: he has the courtesy of being simply too embarrassed to be seen photographed, putting pen to paper.

The signing will start a ratification process by national parliaments that will try and avoid another "No". Hope rests on the Irish who will have their say in a referendum, but even if they'll upset the project, surely another Orwellian political slither and dither will be found to avoid "creating another crisis in Europe." This show must go on, whatever the cost, whatever the means.

The irony in the matter is, that Europeans have fought, assimilated, conquered and occupied each other for millennia. Now that finally all peoples - with the admitted exception of a few nasty cases in the Balkans - have settled in sovereign, national homelands within secure borders, along comes the EU project turning the continent again into a border-less, multi-ethnic post-democratic empire. In practice there's nothing much voluntary about it. Resistance is futile.

It is accomplished without as much as drop of blood being spilled. The constituting nations are simply bribed into submission to the European Moloch that is Leviathan. What isn't accomplished by economic realities, regional funding, black ops and subsidies, is gained by good, old-fashioned Machiavellian power politics.

A case in point that Europe hasn't entirely evolved beyond history is said exception in the Balkans: Kosovo. How the West is handling the matter typifies today's Leftist totalitarian mindset in which a perceived 'noble end,' justifies any means: bullying in the name of peace - fascistic methods to combat 'fascism' - committing evil to avoid it, but that's hefty material for a posting in itself ... hopefully this weekend.

Editor's note: My immense gratitude to the blogger who posted this article at

Friday, December 14, 2007
Leviathan's Birth Certificate (II): the Day After ...

~ Continued from Part I: Leviathan's Birth Certificate: the Treaty of Lisbon ~

Good Morning, honored citizens of the State of the European Union!

... and the rest of the World, of course ...

... just kidding ... the Treaty of Lisbon is still to be ratified ... and the Irish - may the memory of the late Raymond Crotty be blessed for ever more - oh, the Irish - are yet to vote in their referendum! Other then that, nothing stands between yesterday and the truly historical, citizenship of Europe for all inhabitants of this long-tortured continent.

Long live also poliglot Ludwig Van Beethoven and his 9th Symphony that gave us "Alle Menschen werden Brüder" - and other such artistic and intellectual fruits of malignant, Utopian, Counter-Enlightenment philosophy!

No sooner had Gordon Brown's lips finally touched the champagne flute, and the Twelve Star been festively raised over Lisbon's Jeronimos Cloisters, or some stubborn "Cork-born, left-wing academic, (the) intellectual backbone for the alternative position on the European Union" had fisked poor Leviathan's birth certificate already to shreds!

Here then are Professor Anthony Coughlan's most significant findings that the treacherous conspiracy of E.U., national governments and oppositions, and the combined mainstream media are so hard trying to cover up for us:

A definition of the Treaty of Lisbon might read: "an attempt to construct a highly centralised European Federation artificially, from the top down, out of Europe's many nations, peoples and States, without their free consent and knowledge."

More from Coughlan's conclusions: "If there were to be a European Federation that is democratic and acceptable, the minimum constitutional requirement for it would be that its laws would be initiated and approved by the directly elected representatives of the people either in the European Parliament or the National Parliaments. Unfortunately, neither the Lisbon Treaty nor the EU Constitution it establishes contain any such proposal."

And "The (...) most striking feature is that it is run virtually entirely by committees of politicians, bureaucrats and judges, none of whom are directly elected by the people. The Constitutional Treaty setting it up has already been rejected by the French and the Dutch in 2005. As French President Nicolas Sarkozy has admitted, the Prime Ministers and Presidents have agreed among themselves on no account to have referendums on the Renamed Constitutional Treaty, for that would be rejected everywhere again."

The above article was posted at


The Journal of History - Winter 2008 Copyright © 2008 by News Source, Inc.